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What Is the Spiritual Meaning of 11:11?

Writer's picture: ZoeZoe

What Is the Spiritual Meaning of 11:11?

Even if you're only somewhat involved in the metaphysical community, chances are you've seen people talk about "11:11". But what does 11:11 mean exactly?

There are several interpretations of what 11:11 means, ranging from guardian angels sending you luck, a sign for you to focus on the positive, or a sign that you are being called to awaken to your higher self.

But as with anything, the true meaning of 11:11 is what you decide it means to you. How do you choose to interpret it?

Your Interpretation Is Based on Your Vibration

Remembering that it is your interpretation is important because you create your own reality. Events or things are inherently neutral.

An apple, for instance, could remind you of the warm fuzzy feelings you have baking an apple pie with your grandma, or it could remind you of the time your sister nearly choked on one and the panic you had thinking that she was going to die. The apple is just an apple - but your emotional associations with the apple are going to be different from others based on your experiences and vibrational beliefs about apples.

And this is true of any subject. So if one interpretation of an event or an occurrence doesn't resonate with you, even if it's a commonly held interpretation, then focus on what does resonate.

For things like 11:11 where the interpretations are mostly positive this is not so big of a deal, but it is always good to keep in mind that your reality is your own perspective because not everyone has an equally empowered take that you might have on a subject.

For instance, as of writing this in 2021, I know a lot of people who believe that the world is falling apart. But I don't see it this way - I see the world shedding its trapped, powerless energy and shifting into a beautiful, empowered space, and this time of transition is uncomfortable because people's fears are coming up for them so they can work through them. Even if it feels momentarily uncomfortable, is it a positive shift.

My interpretation isn't necessarily the "correct" one (everyone is right from their own perspective and you can totally disagree with me if you want), but my interpretation feels good to me and resonates, so that is how I perceive what is happening this year.

As for 11:11, I see it as the Universe playfully reminding me that I get to create my own reality and I am on the right track to manifesting what I want.

So, with that, how do you interpret 11:11?


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What Is the Spiritual Meaning of 11:11?


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