Their Powerlessness Is Their Manifestation
The short answer is, not really. We all have free will - including others. Because of this, you cannot make someone do something that they don't want to do or is not within their vibration. If you could, the Law of Attraction wouldn't be possible because full self-empowerment would not be possible.
However, where the waters seem to get a little murkier is that if someone has a limiting belief that you can do something to overcome their free will, then you may be able to act as the "perpetrator" in their reality. If, for instance, they believe that black magic can harm them, you may be able to act as the witch that casts an evil spell on them. In this case, it is their limiting belief that they can be controlled that is allowing you to "control" them, but at the end of the day, it is their manifestation. If they stopped believe that black magic could hurt them, then you would be unable to manifest any harm through spells in their reality.
This is also the case with white magic, or medicine. If you believe that taking a pill or smudging sage to clear the negative energy will help you, that is why you feel better after doing so. It is an external practice to help change your internal energy so that your external world reflects your higher inner vibration.
So with understanding this, that your external manifestations are reflections of your inner vibration, the most important thing to do is reflect on why you want to manifest something for something else.
Wanting to Manifest for Others Is a Form of Powerlessness
Because no matter how kind or pure-hearted your intentions are, the desire to manifest for others is always rooted in powerlessness. This is because you have decided that you cannot feel better until you manifest something externally for this person. That is an outside-in approach (the external needs to change so the internal can change) instead of an inside-out approach (I choose to feel good, no matter what, and then my external will change to match my internal vibration).
So in order to manifest what you want, give yourself permission to get into the feeling state of having the result of what it is you wish to manifest for others without needing it to manifest in the physical. And when you let go of needing that manifestation to happen and focus on the feeling instead, then people will either manifest the best versions of themselves to you that they are capable of or, if they are as equally set in their own discordant vibration, will drift out of your life. At the end of the day it is about you, not them!
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