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One Easy Trick to Manifest People Liking You

Writer's picture: ZoeZoe

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Do you want to use the Law of Attraction to manifest people liking you?

Remember, what you give out vibrationally comes back to you. So manifesting positive relationships with other people is actually much easier than you might think.

To manifest people liking you, simply gossip positively about other people!

How do you "gossip positively" about others?

Fortunately, gossiping positively is pretty simple.

When you're with a group of people and one of them leaves (whether to head home, to the bathroom, etc.), you start talking about all the things you like about them.

Through an effect psychologists call "trait transference", people associate traits that you use to describe others with you. So if you say someone is uncompromising and cranky, then they will associate uncompromising and cranky traits with you!

Likewise, if you describe someone as kind and caring, then others - you guessed it - associate you with being kind and caring as well.

Gossiping positively also has the bonus effect of causing you to focus on the positive aspects of those around you, which in turn raises you vibration and makes it even easier to notice the good in people and makes you feel better.

Your positivity then attracts others (who doesn't want to be friends with someone who they know is going to say good things about them?), and you become even more likable. It's an upward spiral!

But What If I Really Don't Like Someone?

The first question to ask yourself is, "why am I hanging out with them/attracting them into my life?" Is it because you feel obligated to spend time with them? Are you afraid of what others will say about you if you don't? Do you have trouble setting boundaries?

Sit with this question for a minute and see what comes up. Do any emotional releases if necessary.

Then ask yourself, "what if I manifested only meeting and interacting with people that I really like and who like me?" Again, sit with this question for a minute. Try to get into the feeling state of only having fun, joyous interactions with those you meet. Notice any fear or anger that comes up, and again, release any limiting beliefs that arise. You have this!


Like what you've read so far? Want some energetic assistance in manifesting friends and better relationships? Sign up for a 1:1 private coaching session with me to release your limiting beliefs for good and manifest the happiness and joy you deserve.

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